Care Center at Edward Hospital

After a disclosure or concern of sexual abuse, it is often helpful for a child to have a specialized, forensic medical exam. This exam, which is not painful or invasive, is important for several reasons:

  • To ensure the health and well being of the child
  • To reassure the child that everything is okay with their body
  • To diagnose and treat medical conditions that may or may not be related to child abuse
  • To provide documentation of possible physical and forensic findings
  • To allow for collection of evidence that may be present on the child's body or clothing

Forensic Medical Exam Q&A

Dr. Sangita Rangala, Medical Director - Edward Hospital Care Center.


All forensic medical exams are performed at the Care Center at Edward Hospital by Dr. Sangita Rangala and her warmhearted and knowledgeable staff, using a gentle, compassionate approach to restore the child’s sense of dignity and well-being.

Dr. Rangala's emphasis is always on health and well-being. Children who go into the exam feeling worried or ashamed about themselves and their bodies are reassured that they are healthy and perfect. The staff's friendly and positive attitude often has children laughing and playing during an exam that many would imagine to be traumatic or painful.

For more information, or make an appointment, please call 630-527-3288.


Help us continue to provide hope, healing & justice for abused children.

Last year, the Will County Children's Advocacy Center served more than 700 Will County children (and their non-offending family members) who were sexually abused, severely physically abused, or who had witnessed a violent crime.

Children who have been victimized, and receive services are less likely to: abuse drugs or alcohol, grow up to become victims of domestic violence, become involved in some sort of criminal activity, suffer from depression, anxiety disorders, or post-traumatic stress disorder, and/or develop suicidal ideation and self-harm.

Your financial gift can make a profound difference in changing a child’s life.